1.And the ultimate aim is to turn this blog into a platform of interaction and communication between the peoples of these two great nations.
2.The ultimate aim of an ambitious peace document is for a presidential election, already postponed twice, to be held within ten months.
3.But it is ultimately, and it should be and it must be, the ultimate aim for practicing these method is to take you to the enlightenment.
4.Indeed, relationships between pure visual elements are sometimes easy to find, but this is not the ultimate aim.
5.The HKMA needs to make it clear whether its ultimate aim is to break with the greenback and head for monetary unification with China's yuan.
6.The union leaders declared that the ultimate aim of their struggle was to pay increase and improved working conditions for the workers.
7.Grammar teaching is not the ultimate aim of English language teaching but a means to achieve communicative competence.
8.He regardless of costs for the sake of your spoiled, with the ultimate aim is to you forever though his claws.
9.Theoretical argument is nothing more than the pursuit of truth, its ultimate aim is to solve the problem that exists in reality.
10.The concept of well-being enables us to define the ultimate aim of human endeavor to be healthy, happy, and meaningful lives.